2013年1月21日 星期一

A-10 的威猛火力

數日前, 看到一部中國製作的video, 其中還有什麼中國海軍專家的分析, 主題是關於釣魚台(尖閣島)之問題, 以假設釣魚台(尖閣島)落入中國手中之狀況下,日本自衛隊精銳特種部隊由空降之方式進行奪島戰鬥,還說這是作給美國看的。又說如果這支精銳特種部隊沒有強大海空軍力的支援,很快就會被中國軍隊俘虜。


美日每年舉行一次的Keen Sword(利劍)聯合軍事演習, 以及每2年進行一次的RIMPAC(環太平洋)多國聯合軍事演習,就是不容中國輕舉妄動侵略亞太地區國家。更何況 US 7th Fleet一直不斷在East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea執行巡防任務。


再者, 美國A-10  的威猛火力是敵人地面坦克車的致命殺手, A-10之攻擊速度等敵人聽到聲音時就已經來不及, 死定了. 如果美國要赤共丟盡顏面,故意睜隻眼閉支眼讓赤共軍隊登陸釣魚台(尖閣島),就如當年伊拉克入侵科威特,日本自衛隊精銳特種部隊不用由空降之方式進行奪島戰鬥,美國只要出動A-10 就足夠將登上小小釣魚台(尖閣島) 的赤共軍隊殲滅,再加上琉球群島嘉手納空軍基地的 F-22 護航以及日本航空、海上自衛隊& US 7th Fleet的海上防衛軍力阻止赤共增援兵力,登陸釣魚台(尖閣島)的赤共軍隊絕對躲不過粉身碎骨的命運。

By 內藤 陽子/蝶衣


A-10 East Demonstration Team Members of the A-10 East Demonstration Team conduct preflight checks on an A-10 Thunderbolt II May 28, 2011, prior to an air show at Jones Beach, N.Y. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Nicholas Benroth)
090217-F-3636J-007.jpg According to Air Force officials, human error was the cause of an A-10C Thunderbolt II accident that took place May 10, 2010, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. The aircraft was assigned to the 75th Fighter Squadron at Moody AFB. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jake Richmond)
101208-F-2616H-006 Dewayne Magnuson and Senior Airman James White work together to perform a hot pit refuel on an A-10 Thunderbolt II Dec. 8, 2010, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. The Air Force Reserve Command’s 442nd Fighter Wing crews are practicing this procedure to keep their skills sharp. Mr Magnuson is an air reserve technician with the 442nd FW and Airman White is a fuels operator with the 509th Logistics Readiness Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Kenny Holston)
110111-F-1725G-003 Crew chiefs install pins on an A-10C Thunderbolt II, Jan. 11, 2011, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The 75th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron recently moved their assets to the other side of the flightline, marking the first of many moves toward consolidating the wing’s missions. The crew chiefs are assigned to the 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Willard E. Grande II) SrA Willard E. Grande II
110111-F-1725G-007 Staff Sgt. Tom Wilson pumps liquid oxygen into an A-10C Thunderbolt II Jan. 11, 2011, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. Sergeant Wilson is a crew chief assigned to the 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Willard E. Grande II) SrA Willard E. Grande II

