US should reoccupy Taiwan Island because it's the responsibility and obligation of USMG since WWII ended according to SFPT, but it's not been done and not finished yet.
Please let the people of Taiwan be proud of USA, for Justice!
美日每年舉行一次的Keen Sword(利劍)聯合軍事演習, 以及每2年進行一次的RIMPAC(環太平洋)多國聯合軍事演習,就是不容中國輕舉妄動侵略亞太地區國家。更何況 US 7th Fleet一直不斷在East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea執行巡防任務。
A-10 East Demonstration Team Members of the A-10 East Demonstration Team conduct preflight checks on an A-10 Thunderbolt II May 28, 2011, prior to an air show at Jones Beach, N.Y. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Nicholas Benroth)
090217-F-3636J-007.jpg According to Air Force officials, human error was the cause of an A-10C Thunderbolt II accident that took place May 10, 2010, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. The aircraft was assigned to the 75th Fighter Squadron at Moody AFB. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jake Richmond)
101208-F-2616H-006 Dewayne Magnuson and Senior Airman James White work together to perform a hot pit refuel on an A-10 Thunderbolt II Dec. 8, 2010, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. The Air Force Reserve Command’s 442nd Fighter Wing crews are practicing this procedure to keep their skills sharp. Mr Magnuson is an air reserve technician with the 442nd FW and Airman White is a fuels operator with the 509th Logistics Readiness Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Kenny Holston)
110111-F-1725G-003 Crew chiefs install pins on an A-10C Thunderbolt II, Jan. 11, 2011, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The 75th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron recently moved their assets to the other side of the flightline, marking the first of many moves toward consolidating the wing’s missions. The crew chiefs are assigned to the 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Willard E. Grande II) SrA Willard E. Grande II
110111-F-1725G-007 Staff Sgt. Tom Wilson pumps liquid oxygen into an A-10C Thunderbolt II Jan. 11, 2011, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. Sergeant Wilson is a crew chief assigned to the 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Willard E. Grande II) SrA Willard E. Grande II
自尋死路的this man Ma
據Taiwan Time(日文版)2013年1月1日之報導,”台湾パスポートに「万里の長城や黃河入れる」”。因為許多國外媒體記者不是全然了解第二次世界大戰後的台灣國際法理地位,才會糊里糊塗使用「台湾パスポート」之詞。而且,也因為尚有許多本土台灣人民被國民黨與民進黨聯手蒙在鼓裡,不滿中華民國流亡集團如此之馬戲團技倆者,看到此報導當然會氣憤跳腳。
This man Ma利用流亡集團體制玩這種不入流的技倆,騙得了無知的台灣人民,卻騙不了已經明瞭事實真相的本土台灣人民,當然,USA更不可能不會知道this man Ma在耍什麼花招。
USA近日所發佈之「肥咖條款 FATCA」是這一天兩天草草著手進行而成的嗎? 當然不是!
USA影武者已經一步步出招在修理 ROC-in-exile , KMT & this man Ma.USA 會好似在剝洋蔥一樣, 一層一層的剝,越剝越深入核心的,讓它們乖的像孫子,擺脫不了USA法律之懲處,日前,this man Ma 更被美國法院審判定罪,被罰款要賠償原告兩千兩百萬美元(約新台幣六.四億),美國法院有權利審判this man Ma,並且予以定罪罰款。故,this man Ma 真正身份已經見光死,this man Ma之真正身份根本不是所謂的”總統”,更甭談什麼”外交豁免權"(劉珊珊虐傭事件已經是明確例證),而是在美國必須遵守美國法律的一般美國人民或具有永久居住權者。
如今,this man Ma再以偽護照加入支那萬里長城與黃河圖案之事件挑釁美國主要佔領權國,等於是加快自尋死路的速度。所以,看到Taiwan Time(日文版)2013年1月1日之報導,本人並不生氣,反而樂見 this man Ma加速自尋死路之後的下場。
天時來臨之一刻,ROC-in-exile & KMT & this man Ma 絕對會全面性見光死,台灣人民根本不必流血革命或發生動亂,USA以這招不必流血之手法 ,就可以合情、理、法之處理方式,辦的乾淨俐落,中共更不敢介入,因為中共在國際法理上對台灣領土主權根本完全站不住腳。除非它有本事向美國宣戰。至於是否敢,就等著瞧吧!