2012年5月27日 星期日

A letter for President Obama

Dear President Obama,

This man Ma, the leader of ROC-in-exile, is trying to change Taiwan to be the next Tibet, meantime, he is trying to change the population of Taiwan. it will be a serious and big problem to USA.

So, USMG must be back to Taiwan as soon as possible, no matter Taiwanese people are ready or not , USMG must be back and control Taiwan Island to be in order.

Poor Taiwanese people are still drunk in the fake election of ROC-in-exile.

USMG must tell Taiwanese people the mistake clearly and correct it.

I believe that you would remember the war between England (U.K.) and Argentina for Falkland Islands about 30 years ago.

The people of Falkland Islands cheered to welcome England troops when the England soldiers were landing the islands.

I can assure the same will happen in Taiwan when US reoccupies Taiwan Island.

USA was the conqueror in Pacific War in 1945, meantime, reoccupying is a friendly occupying action to the Taiwanese people without violence unless civil war occurs due to ROC-in-exile and KMT's provocative actions.

Also, USA is the principal occupying power over Taiwan legally according to the Laws of War and SFPT.

Ma opens the policy to let more and more Chinese from Red China into Taiwan that is very dangerous to the security of Taiwan.

USA must stop him immediately~

The poor Taiwanese people have been living in the political purgatory and been fooled by KMT/ROC-in-exile poison education for 67 years, also drunk in the poor and fake election with DPP that is a trap in fact.

Clearly tell the people on Taiwan about the truth of Taiwan history and legal Taiwan status since WWII ended.

USMG's First step is to remove the fake mask of big liar of ROC-in-exile in Taiwan.

Who leave the people of Taiwan been staying in the political purgatory for 67 years since WWII ended? USA!

So, USA should open the door and let the sunshine to drive the evil away from Taiwan Island.

Kick ROC-in-exile out of Taiwan!

Who locked the door, who should unlock the door with his key.

The key is in the hands of USA.

By 蝶衣 ( Audrey Deng )

臺灣目前國際法理地位 - 日屬美佔


第二次世界大戰後,67年來台灣一直在美國保護之下,因為台灣是處於美國軍事政府(USMG) 管轄下。

美國是第二次世界大戰太平洋戰爭中將日本打敗的征服者, 是主要佔領權國,中華民國(ROC-in-exile)在台灣只是代理美國的當局,被美國政府包容收留至今的流亡政府。依戰爭法,美國有責任義務協助本土台灣人成立屬於本­土台灣人民的政府,將中華民國流亡政府驅離台灣。


日本於1945年二次戰後,簽署舊金山和平條約,放棄對台灣主權權利,但是並沒有指定收受國,日本仍然對台灣持有主權義務。因此, 美日協防條約之防衛範圍含蓋台灣在內。


依萬國公法台灣的主權仍在日本天皇手中, 因為第二次世界大戰日本戰敗, 台灣被美國軍事佔領中( 當年由麥克阿瑟將軍給蔣介石一號命令代理佔領, 導致中華民國流亡政府滯留至今)。

之前,台灣人民總是不知從那裡傳來的謠言恐慌的消息,說美國會放棄台灣,美國害怕中共的軍事武力,然而,只要了解台灣的國際法理地位真相, 以及瞭解美軍在西太平洋的軍事佈署,就會明白台灣其實是很安全的, 唯一的問題是藍綠(KMT&DPP)在台灣的坐地分贓, 只圖個人政治利益 , 假民主選舉搶食權位之利,差別只是在朝或在野,餅分的大小塊之別而已。

台灣周邊海域一年四季都有美日軍在聯合演習與巡防。銅牆鐵壁, 天羅地網, 保護著台灣。

By 蝶衣 ( Audrey Deng )

日本時代の台灣 (鐵道與港口之榮景)

日本時代の台灣 (神社)

日本時代の台灣 (歷任台灣總督)

日本時代の台灣 ( 見證日本對台灣的經營与建設 )

日本時代の台灣 ( 基隆 ‧ 高雄 )

第二次世界大戰 太平洋戰爭 台灣軍 ‧ 大和魂

日本時代の台灣 ( 見證台灣農、工、商業之發展 )

日本時代の台灣 ( 見證台灣領土主權建構 - 理蕃事業 )

A letter for President Obama

Dear President Obama,

Do you know that the Taiwanese people were forced to exchange the currency of old Taiwan dollars $40,000 to be new NT$1 by ROC-in-exile in 1950?

it means that you had $40,000 yesterday, but you only have one dollar left today.

In this video, you can see the copy of the banking book of 67 years ago.

四萬元 = old Taiwan dollars $40,000
一元 = New Taiwan dollars $1
新台幣 = New Taiwan dollar

228 massacre happened in 1947, Killing made Taiwanese people scared and in horror, therefore, nobody dare say " No".

NT$1 could buy how many eggs? and rice? How sad!

I really wonder that USA would like to see 228 massacre happens again?

At present, the pricing of many things is far higher in the market.

I believe it would be worse day after day in the near future.

If USA really cares about her respectful reputation of Justice, Liberty, Human right, USA must cares about Taiwan problem seriously.

In fact, the people of Taiwan are lucky, no need of bleeding and war like Egypt and Libya in 2011.

We only need request USA to do her job according to laws of war and SFPT.

Sincerely yours,

Yoko Naito ( Audrey Deng )


Dear President Obama,

Also, I have to remind you of the sad history of that time in Taiwan, lot of Taiwanese people killed themselves due to no money for food, or died because of hunger.

But, Taiwan Island is not in Africa, Taiwan Island was and has been under the control of USMG since WWII ended.

USA should not forget her responsibility and obligation of a conqueror of Pacific War in WWII.

However, your kind attention in this matter would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Yoko Naito ( Audrey Deng )
